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Griselda Soriano’s Avatar

Griselda Soriano

3 Answers
269 Reads
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Yasir’s Avatar
Yasir Jan 27 1185 views

Should I continue to learn Computer science and programming?

For a little background I started to learn programming around a few months ago and i really enjoy it, but I've been worrying about AI taking over if not in the near future maybe later on, I want to see if it's the way to go and it wont be replaced by ai (I'm a junior in high school).

Doctor Professor Patrick’s Avatar
Doctor Professor Patrick Apr 10, 2013 1561 views

How can I obtain a career in a CSI lab?

I think I would really like analyzing evidence from crime scenes. #science #college-majors #crime

Ricardo’s Avatar
Ricardo Jan 21, 2012 1869 views

How does the government affect space system engineers?

I have someone I know who told me that their job has had some cut backs because of the cut on defense budget. I don't understand how this can affect his career field. He works in the development of the GPS software. #science #law #government