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Chris Olsen’s Avatar

Chris Olsen

Sr. Director Oxidation Products
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
California, California
6 Answers
10032 Reads
31 Karma

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Liliana’s Avatar
Liliana Jun 28 260 views

How am I supposed to quit?

I'm a level 8 gymnast, and I've been asking my parents if I can quit for almost 3 years. but, my coach keeps telling my mom to keep me in gymnastics until I'm about 15-16 because she thinks that it's too early for me to make my decision. I've tried talking to them both about my feelings about...

Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna Oct 20, 2016 1977 views

How much job growth is expected within STEM careers?

I want to go into a career area that will have significant projected job growth within the next few years so that I can be sure to have a place in the career field. #engineering #science #technology #math #stem #statistics

Madilyn’s Avatar
Madilyn Oct 23, 2016 816 views

What types of projects are most commonly brought upon Materials Engineers?

I have been considering attending college for Materials Engineering. I really enjoy the concepts, but I am just wondering exactly what situations I would have to face in a career such as this. #engineering #materials-engineering

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Mar 12, 2017 5610 views

What is the 1 book you would suggest everyone reads in their lifetime?

I'm making it a personal goal to read for 30 minutes daily again, and am looking for some quality material. Anything related to science, technology, or woman's history are very interesting to me. #college #engineering #science #technology #tech #women-in-tech #reading #women-in-engineering #books

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Feb 16, 2017 1491 views

How do you get into a position after being out of work for a few years and are around 40?

I want to know how easily it can be to get into a position at 41. #women #college-recruiting #recruitment #cyber-crime #internet-recruiting

Savanna’s Avatar
Savanna Nov 28, 2016 1232 views

What would be a great career for someone interested in statistics (and preferably with technology)?

I am a senior in high school right now and I am unsure if I want to do computer science so I have been looking at statistics (since I took it last year and loved it and love math in general). I have heard about and researched about a career as a statistician but I don't know what other options...