David’s Career Goals
After I finish my schooling, I plan to be an anesthesiologist in a hospital.

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Will the schooling for an anesthesiologist be easy or will I have to retake some college classes?
will the college classes be on going or will I have to retake some just to pass the class.

Will me, recovering from debt, be easy or difficult as an anesthesiologist?
I was wondering after the years of college will I recover or will I stay in debt.

To become an anesthesiologist, will it take more or less than 12 years?
I was wondering about this certain thing because after doing some research it says that it would take around 12 years. Does this mean that I am able to finish all of my college in less than 12 years or will it take me more?

Will college be a struggle for me or easy going in the health department?
I'm planning on going into the health department as an anesthesiologist. For school activities would probably go and do mens volleyball.