Career questions tagged time

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PaulFeb 201234 views

jobs near Ewing nj

freshman business major looking for part time job

answer icon2 answers
Active Feb 20
location iconEwing Township
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DavidFeb 18870 views

Will college be a struggle for me or easy going in the health department?

I'm planning on going into the health department as an anesthesiologist. For school activities would probably go and do mens volleyball.

answer icon7 answers
Active Mar 18
location iconElk River
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RachelOct 28, 2024818 views

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to better manage your time?

I'm a really big procrastinator who tends to get things done at the last minute. Any suggestions would be welcomed.

answer icon5 answers
Active Feb 24
location iconSan Francisco
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chankrisnaMay 13, 2024541 views

how can i be be better at Time Management?

Time management is Vital to Everyday Life, every moment counts even if you are on or off the clock. just like Managing my money, i've also Learned to manage my time. How so? lets say i have to be at work at a Specific time, i would get up early just so i have enough time to do things i need, then i can enjoy some time before work. everyone starts somewhere and i hope you do not take this to heart but if you learn to start building good habits now, later you will no longer have to worry.

Active Aug 02, 2024
location iconUnited States
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FrancisApr 19, 2024645 views

how can I stop having piles of late work in school?

I am in high school as a junior and I struggle with time management

answer icon7 answers
Active Sep 09, 2024
location iconSan Francisco
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RykerApr 06, 20242767 views

How many hours should I expect to work in the beginning when starting my own business?

I am just starting off and want to know what to expect.

answer icon7 answers
Active Apr 29, 2024
location iconRochester
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AnamMar 15, 20241496 views

What is time management ?

How to save time?

answer icon9 answers
Active Mar 22, 2024
location iconTexarkana
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ShenaMar 09, 2024676 views

How can i study better?

How can I study better to help me with my time management? I’ve had problems studying and managing my time. so how can i help myself to study better while protecting my time?

answer icon5 answers
Active Mar 15, 2024
location iconLouisville
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AlyssaFeb 08, 2024877 views

What are the best ways to organize your time as a physicist?

I'm a fairly busy person, but I really enjoy my free time and I am not the best at organizing my time. My schedule proves it greatly.

answer icon2 answers
Active Feb 13, 2024
location iconDarien
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GabiOct 21, 20231818 views

How can i find a job at 15?

Im 15 years old and attend high school and want time for a job, but i still want time for school and myself. I want a job so i can put some into my college savings.

answer icon5 answers
Active Mar 19, 2024
location iconVoorhees Township
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LoreleiOct 09, 20231894 views

How do I acheive my goals?

I struggle with staying on task and getting work done on time, but I want to go to a good college.

answer icon9 answers
Active Jan 12, 2024
location iconElizabethtown
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CarolAug 04, 2023450 views

How long does it typically take someone to become a mortician after graduating from highschool?

I plan on starting the process of becoming a mortician after graduating highschool this year so I want to know how long it takes so I can plan financially and base other decisions on how long it'll take.

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 25, 2023
location iconHuntington
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LaishaJun 17, 2023653 views

When is the best time to start looking for university’s or colleges?

I am going to be a sophomore and I am not too sure when to start looking for schools. I have been getting many different responses and I am not sure to start now or wait.

answer icon4 answers
Active Aug 11, 2023
location iconChandler
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AllisonNov 16, 20221565 views

What is the best way to manage my time in high school am having trouble with how to organize my activities, what would be some recommendations??

Hi am Allison, am currently a sophomore and am struggling with how to manage my time, I have a job and other responsibilities at home plus my homework and studying. but I also want to have fun and I feel like don't have enough time. :(

answer icon4 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconPaterson
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AllisonNov 16, 20221161 views

What is the best way to manage my time in high school ? am having trouble on how to organize my activities, what would be some recommendations?

Hi am Allison, am currently a sophomore and am struggling with how to manage my time, I have a job and other responsibilities at home plus my homework and studying. but I also want to have fun and I feel like don't have enough time. :(

answer icon5 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconPaterson
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KimberlyNov 15, 2022862 views

What is the best way to manage my time in high school?

I need better time management in high school.

answer icon5 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconPaterson
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RamiroNov 17, 20211611 views

How long did it take you in order to be in the position you are right now, career wise.

#career #career-choice #time

answer icon12 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconSan Francisco
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KaiyiMar 15, 2021653 views

How many hours do you have to work that day and what is your job?

#job #time

answer icon3 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconSan Francisco
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SeanOct 27, 20201021 views

How much time goes into being a real estate agent and how can I manage it?

I have a lot of interest in real estate and want to get to know the business more.#Time management # Real estate #business #college

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconCovina
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AnjaliFeb 04, 2020921 views

What's the best advice for someone studying abroad?

I am studying abroad in Madrid, Spain this semester. I would love to hear anyone's advice or opinions! Specifically, some topics that have interested me are: traveling on a budget, learning Spanish/Spanish fluency, making/keeping friends abroad, and time management. #study-abroad #college #travel #college-advice #spanish #spain #time #budget #life

answer icon9 answers
Active Mar 06, 2024
location iconSchaumburg
undefined's avatar
ErinNov 14, 20192151 views

How many hours do Neonatal Nurses usually work?

#time #nursing #children #health #hospital

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconNorth Branch
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ErinNov 14, 20191242 views

What kind of hours do Neonatal Nurses work?

#time #nursing #children #health #hospital

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconNorth Branch
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FatimaMay 03, 20192587 views

How can I keep my schedule organized?

I need more time to hang out with friends #school #time #time-management #student #college #work-life-balance

answer icon18 answers
Active Sep 22, 2022
location iconSan Gabriel
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ElyMay 03, 2019843 views

How many years do you need to be in college to become an Archeologist?

#college #time

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconMilwaukee
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KayleeOct 17, 20181842 views

How do you balance your family and faith life within the chaotic and busy event planning industry?

#event #planning # #event-planning #time #management #balance #career #future #business #familylife

answer icon6 answers
Active Feb 27, 2024
location iconAurora
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KarenAug 28, 20181098 views

How can I balance college and working?

I have financial struggles therefore I need to work. I need help with managing time and having a balance so I don't stress myself out. #time #work-life-balance

answer icon4 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconSedalia
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MauricioAug 16, 20181236 views

How do you handle homework and recreational activities?

Whenever you are enrolled in an academically intensive major, you get assigned a lot of homework and reading assignments. My questions revolves around the idea of how exactly do you find the time for your personal engagements and do well in your courses without sacrificing all of your time to studying. What resources are there to help ease the study? #college #time management #recreation #tutoring # general #homework #school life #university

answer icon5 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconHumble
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EmilyMay 27, 20182100 views

How does working long hours affect your relationships, hobbies, and interests?

I'd like to direct this question mainly to those in the medical field because that is what I'm looking to go into, but any insights are greatly appreciated! Even as a high school student I've had to put some of hobbies and interests on the back burner because of all of the school work and activities going on, but there has always been that "I'll have more time once ____ is over." Do you find yourself having to push these kinds of things off? How do you balance all of the aspects of your life while still having time to do the necessary household chores, etc? How does being on call play into that? #working #time #medicine #balance #timemanagement #relationships #hobbies

answer icon5 answers
Active Feb 18, 2024
location iconWareham
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HannahMay 19, 2018944 views

How will I be able to manage my time in college?

As a nursing major, how will I be able to keep up with my studies and be a successful member of a college? #nursing #time #management

answer icon3 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconMiddleborough
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JoshuaJan 23, 20181566 views

Best ways to manage time in college?

I'm a current college sophomore, and I never feel like I have enough time in the day. I want to do well in my classes, but when I study it's very time consuming. This wasn't so bad before, but now that I'm trying to get more involved around campus and applying for internships I've got a lot less free time. I don't want to waste so much time that I become burnt out. What were some ways you managed your time? #time #time-management #college-advice #stress #stress-management #college

answer icon8 answers
Active Jan 26, 2024
location iconBordentown