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Elena Alvarez’s Avatar

Elena Alvarez

Austin, Texas
4 Answers
1433 Reads
21 Karma

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Aliza’s Avatar
Aliza Feb 27 541 views

Hi! I'm confused between two major fields. How do i choose what to pursue?

Hi ! I am nearing the end of my degree in computer science in college and im quite confused on what path to take. I don't enjoy development but these days cybersecurity interests me however it is very technical and I'd need further specialization before i get a job in it. On the other hand, i...

YANET’s Avatar
YANET Feb 24 412 views

how much will college cost?

Ask a teacher, your counselor and people that may help you

Nerensia’s Avatar
Nerensia Feb 13 441 views

What are some certifications an ESL teacher would have to have before becoming one?

I have always been the one who likes to know things before they happen. I like to be well prepared for what I may face.

Mina’s Avatar
Mina Feb 27 1117 views

Hi Yoonji Kim I wanted to ask you how old do you have to be to start college applications ?

I am a sixth grader and I am 12 I wanted to start browsing for pre college applications to study and start my career as a author who write's about kpop stuff and fantasy, drama, romance please tell me some suggestions