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sophie’s Avatar


Fishersville, Virginia
5 Questions
272 Karma

sophie’s Career Goals

my goal is to pass high school and maybe get a job



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sophie Mar 21 669 views

What type of headphones would you recomend for me to become a singer ?

i read 1 of the answers and they said to get headphones i don't have the headphones i need to become a band/singer

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sophie Mar 21 506 views

how do i get a music DAW?

i want to start my own band and i don't have a daw or a studio

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sophie Mar 20 889 views

How do i become a music producer for a band?

i write songs and i don't have a studio but i sing alot

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sophie Mar 20 443 views

how to become faster at what i do ?

my weaknesses are that im really slow and i also have a learning disorder and autism and adhd

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sophie Mar 20 457 views

I want to become a tattoo artist but i don't know where i start?

i love to draw on myself