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Ryan Dooley’s Avatar

Ryan Dooley

Senior Product Manager for IoT at AIG
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Military Specific Occupations
Charlotte, NC
6 Answers
5364 Reads
21 Karma
Andy’s Avatar
Andy Mar 18, 2019 741 views

What did you have to do to go D1 or D2 playing football and then making the NFL? #football

I can catch and throw. My freshman year I threw about 1,500 yards and 19 throwing tds and 6 interceptions and took my team 7-3. #athletics #football

David’s Avatar
David Apr 03, 2019 944 views

I'm in my freshman year in college and it is difficult for me to financially do it I'm not a quitter but can anyone offer some good advice?

#college #finances #college-advice

Brittany’s Avatar
Brittany Sep 09, 2018 1138 views

How do you become a mechanic?

How did you learn to work on cars? Curious to all the different paths people have gone to learn how to work on cars. How much do you have to know before you can be qualified to work in a shop (as an apprentice)? #mechanic #automotivemechanic #automotivetechnician #carmechanic #womeninautomotive...

Hamid’s Avatar
Hamid Oct 18, 2016 1002 views

What jobs are there in the buisness field that are both high-paid wile being fulfilling?

I am a junior in high school. I am looking to apply to colleges next summer and just wanted to get a heads up to see what I was aiming for. #business #college-major #college-majors

Robert’s Avatar
Robert May 18, 2016 833 views

Why does the current generation coming out of the 2016-17 school year only care about money when finding a job? I have noticed a large amount of students not caring about what the jobs offer to society and are only concerned with the amount of money

I am an 18 year old entrepreneur and I am worried about my current generation of young adults moving into work force strictly for finnancial gain.

Christyna’s Avatar
Christyna Oct 30, 2016 1023 views

Would a minor in business be helpful for a degree in biochemistry?

I plan on working with an institution or company and I wanna know if a minor in business will be helpful. #business #chemistry #biochemistry