Matt Raible
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How difficult is it to find a job after college for computer programmers?
I want to go to college to learn how to program computers, but I'm wondering how the job market for computer programmers are? #computer #software #programming #java #developer

What courses should I be looking to take to become a computer programmer / software delevoper?
I want to go to college to learn about something within computer programming. #computer #software #programming #development #java-development

I want to become a Computer architecture #
#technology #career #archectecture #archeology
Any tips?

i want to become a engineear what shell i do
because it is my goal #software

From my research, I find that most programmers nowadays use Java, Scala, and the C language. My question is how is Scala used/what is it used for?
I'm an Information Technology major who is working towards becoming a future web/mobile developer, and want to explore lesser known, but still useful programming languages, like Scala and Perl (not stated in my question, but I'm still eager to know). #software #mobile-applications...

i wanted to be software engineer? which course i must take after SSLC?
i wanted to work in software field.. #engineer #professional #software

What are some high school requirements for software engineering?
#engineering #computer-software #software

Is computer science really that high demand?
Everyone always says that computer science is a quickly growing field. However, does this mean I should pursue computer science and be guaranteed job security? #job #security

How do I become a software engineer?
My name is Sushila. I am in 9th class. I want to make my career in computers as a software engineer and could use some guidance.
#engineer #software #computer-software #science #computer-programming

Would it be hard to pursue a career that you did not major in in college? Can they do it?
Hi, I was just wondering if someone were to change their career path to a whole new field and did not figure it out until after they graduated, can they still get a great job and they would love? #college #career #major