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Emma Izquierdo’s Avatar

Emma Izquierdo

Pre Kindergarten Teacher at Early World Children's School
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Seattle, Washington
6 Answers
8274 Reads
1 Karma

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Margaret’s Avatar
Margaret May 13, 2016 1358 views

Is it more important to go to a good undergraduate school or a good graduate school?

I been told that the grad program is more inportant, but also was told you won't be as prepared or competitive an applicant for grad school if you went to an average undergrad program. Money is an issue, so I can't afford two great schools. #college #graduate-school #higher-education

Fatimah’s Avatar
Fatimah May 19, 2016 965 views

What are the different career options for a student studying Psychology?

I am going to be a college Sophomore in Fall 2016 and I want to understand more about the different paths I can choose from if I continue to major in Psychology. I specifically want to become a Mental Health Psychologist. #psychology #mental-health-counseling

Erik’s Avatar
Erik Feb 15, 2017 1000 views

Where can i go to be a nurse

I want to go to school to become a nurse, but idk where #registered-nurses #doctors-assistant

Ajay’s Avatar
Ajay May 30, 2017 1066 views

What steps should I take into getting into a college with a good medical program?

I am currently a high school junior that is interested in the medical field. I do not know exactly what I want to peruse in the medical field but I am willing to explore options in all medical fields. I have completed an internship at my local hospital and will look to find more. This...

sruti’s Avatar
sruti Jun 09, 2017 836 views

What steps should I take towards becoming a doctor after fixing your goal as it.

I am interested in doing medicals .i want to know what I should work towards. is there any exam that I should take now?

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine Jun 23, 2017 2623 views

Best method to studying for SAT and ACT at the same time?

I am planning to take the ACT in September and SAT in October and I would like to know how I can study for both simultaneously and receive the best scores I possibly can. Any advice? Have any of you done the same before? #college #testing #ivy-league #sat #act