Nicole Diaz
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Is there room for expression if you pursue a career in the field of journalism?
I'm a high school Junior and I enjoy writing and photography and feel like journalism is a good way to incorporate both. #journalism #writing

what would be the easiest way to have your work published
I often write short stories and I would love to have one actually published. Does anyone know how I can get this to happen? #creative-writing #publishing

Grad School
How much will grad school cost? #psychology #philosophy #creative-writing

I don't know what to major in
I was really thinking of majoring in Voice but I might just minor in it. However I don't know what to major in. Every career test I take tells me to major in Visual Arts :/ I like writing, cheerleading, dance and makeup. I really don't know where that puts me in. If there are any majors that...

How difficult is it to change careers?
I'm a senior in high school and upon entering college I am becoming more and more worried about my future. I don't really know what I want to study in or make into a career path, so I was wondering how locked in are you once you declare a major and begin your career path? #science #majors...