Career questions tagged multiple-interests

What would you suggest as a good career path to someone who enjoys learning and helping others understand concepts (e.g. disease process)?
Currently an RN (passed boards Nov 2023 and got registered on Jan 2024) working in a non-bedside role (CPO - Clinical Process Outsourcing) with no actual clinical experience. I am considering taking up Masters of Arts in Nursing if I find an affordable opportunity because I feel like I want to study more but I'm not sure if it's for me and I don't really know where that can take me in my career. I am interested in MAN non-thesis because I like being able to learn new things and question as to why things are in a certain way. I get a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction from learning and being able to understand things in depth. I also did consider like research nursing or being and educator, but I feel like I might need bedside experience for those... I don't think I'm strong enough to be at the bedside (life-death is in your hands), I enjoy more of the knowledge side of things. A part of me also really wants to travel so if ever an opportunity arises that I can either afford through a scholarship to study masters abroad, I would love that especially since I grew up outside of the PH in the first place and I long for diversity so much. I was wondering if you had any suggestions on what paths I can take with this in mind.

I am 30, a freelance writer, ADHD, with too many interests, confused what to choose. Any help?
I have multiple interests like filmmaking, movies, art/digital art, fiction writing/novel, screenwriting, basically anything related to story and the craft of storytelling in any medium- writing, visual, etc. With that, I am also too driven for pyschology, self-help, sprituality and philosphy stuff. Then some business aspect with blogging or online stuff attracts me too with the same with Youtube. I am fascinated with content creation for a long time. Having diagnosed with adhd, choosing one thing feels painful and like i am leaving a part of my personality behind, missing out. Even though i entertained the fact that i can be all or most or some one by one over time, and not have to choose. you know the specialization vs generalization thing. But struggling with the concept of not being master in one as well. Any help on this, any resource or anything will be great!

I've come to the conclusion that I am a jack-of-all-trades. I don't like sticking to one thing, I like to try new things. How can I satisfy my need for exploration and new situations while making a stable income?
Things i'm interested in: .psychology .theatre .child education .book writing/author I need help because I'm down to try everything, which I don't see a problem with, I just don't know what I should do to have a good income.

Is there a profession out there that's an equal balance between creative writing/publishing and biomedical science?
I am torn between majoring in English and Biomedical Science/Engineering. I love to write stories and strive to become an editor for a publishing company/fiction author or screenwriter, but I also love genetics and would love to be a genetic engineer and researcher (see the details from my previous question.) My parents don't want me to pursue an English degree because the profession "isn't that lucrative" and I'd spend a long time working my way to steady earnings, but they also want me to find a job doing what I love. They've suggested technical writing, but I fear that technical writing could also mean less creativity when writing instruction manuals or scientific journal articles. Any suggestions or advice from real-world experiences? #creative-writing #technical-writing #writing #news-writing #editor #writing-and-editing #fiction-writing #science-fiction #creative-non-fiction #fiction #copy-editing #publishing #genetics #biomedical-engineering #biomedical-science #career-path #screenwriting #author #creative-writing #double-major #dual-career #multiple-interests #english #communications #grant-writing #proposal-writing #career-path #career-choice #career-decisions

Does it help to start off in a career that pays well, rather than searching for your dream job?
I know college results in debt, so I was wondering: in the long run would it be worth it to find a job in a subject you like(but aren't overly fond of) and use that to become more financially stable, then find a career you are very passionate about? #finance #debt #multiple-interests

Would getting an internship in a career you don't entirely plan on following beneficial in the long run?
Work experience is very important in getting a job, but when you have very little work experience in the field you want to pursue, would internships in other fields be helpful in different fields? How separate should the difference be between the fields to be considered applicable #internship #future #multiple-interests

How difficult is it to change careers?
I'm a senior in high school and upon entering college I am becoming more and more worried about my future. I don't really know what I want to study in or make into a career path, so I was wondering how locked in are you once you declare a major and begin your career path? #science #majors #theatre #changing-careers #multiple-interests

How strongly should the financial aspect of a career impact what I decide to study?
I have a love of theater, specifically being backstage rather than acting, but I know it is a very shaky business both in terms of job availability and financial stability. My plan for college would be to either double major in theater and a more established major, probably a physical science, or minoring in theater. How strongly should the financial issue of this field impact my studies and planning my career path? #science #finance #theater #multiple-interests #financial-risk

Are there any careers that could combine a psychology major and a love of theater?
I am a senior in high school and have always had a fondness for theater, specifically the behind the scenes work rather than actually performing. Recently I have been thinking about possible majors and career paths certain majors could open up for me and, although I love theater, I don't think I will major in it. I might major in psychology, though, but I still want to be able to have a foot in the dramatics as I develop a career path. Are there any careers that allow this? #career #psychology #career-paths #theater #multiple-interests