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New Orleans, Louisiana
3 Questions
86 Karma

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sean Sep 01, 2017 1045 views

What programs do you use to make villain minions?

I have a lot of mythical creatures in store for my army in a movie. #3d-animation #animation #character-animation #computer-animation

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sean Sep 01, 2017 1512 views

How do you transform villains into huge monsters in the movies?

I know people love a good monster battle. No one can resist fight like those. Take Godzilla for example everyone loves his fights. So why not get a new beast in the house. #3d-animation #animation #animals #animal-behavior

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sean Sep 01, 2017 924 views

Is it easy to transform animals into cartoons?

When you put animals in cartoon you make their animations look so easy. I don't think it seems that hard to do. #animation #3d-animation