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Lakshmi S M’s Avatar

Lakshmi S M

Trust and Safety Associate at LinkedIn
Production Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Tempe, Arizona
4 Answers
37588 Reads
1 Karma

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Ram’s Avatar
Ram Jun 12, 2014 2177 views

What should I study?

Bachelors of Computer Engineering or Bachelor of Engineering In Information Technology? #computer

Prithvi’s Avatar
Prithvi Mar 04, 2014 3204 views

What steps do I need to take to become an Investment Banker?

My name is Prithvi and I am currently a Junior in High School. My interest in college is oriented towards Economics and Finance and after combing through many different career options, I decided that I want to pursue a job at Wall St. firm as an Investment Banker. What do I need to do in order...

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Mar 12, 2014 3940 views

What career travels around the world a lot by plane?

I like to travel and I am interested in studying abroad in college. Although, I have not developed what career path I want to take yet. What careers travels around the world? Thank you.

Julea’s Avatar
Julea Feb 10, 2014 28510 views

What do I need to qualify for a customer service job?

I think there are some jobs in my area where I can work in customer service. What do I need to qualify for a customer service job? Do I need to have a certain college major, or can I go straight from high school. Do I need previous experience? Every job seems to require previous experience, so...