Career questions tagged support

Hi. I am a 10th standard cbse student in India. I like History and Geography and Social Science subjects in general. But as expected, my parents are worried. They want me to study science and maths, two subjects I despise or computer. I can't imagine handling someone's life as a doctor and can't even think about studying physics and maths for engineering.I really want to follow my passion. I don't have my entire life planned out to give them a proper speech and I don't think that's possible because life is unpredictable. I also think that I do way better in Social Science than in science or maths. I get 78-80 marks out of 80 for social science but for science and maths I only get around 50-68. I am really tired of getting lectured non stop. I get it that they want me to have a stable life but it's draining my hope in life. I am an only child and don't have anyone to share this with because pretty sure my Bestfriend is tired of my trauma dumping. I hope someone can provide me with support and advice here. I know my parents are just worried about and I feel guilty about sharing this here but I really don't have a choice. Note: My parents are nice but I think they are just worried and disappointed lol.

Growing from Tech support role to a Development role. Choices?
Hello 4 years in technical support. 1st line, 2nd line, exposure to being teamlead. SQL, virtualization related, current role connected to z/OS monitoring product. I am considering for myself which next step to take. Variants that I am considering: 1. Java software development. 2. Automated testing. 3. AGILE/SCRUM or direction towards PM. 4. z/OS Systems Programmer, as my duties now allow me to scratch the surface of that world. I am absolutely confident in my soft skills. My bachelor and masters are social sciences and management. All what I know in IT is what I've learned through jobs and certifications in Cloud and Mainframe. My tech knowledge is always updating. But in some areas I have sufficient gaps. Please advise as to what better navigate to. Shall I pursuit Development role as more interesting and rewarding? But longer to gain competence. Shall I go into automated QA as something easier to switch to? But less interesting and less rewarding than QA Shall I build up my skills towards system programming? To went here might require dedication, meticulousness and perseverance at extreme degree. How to question myself is SCRUM/PM is my stuff? I want to get advice from proffessionals who had similar forktree choices in life. Personally I do incline more towards Java Developer. Reason why Java - code that can be run anywhere and more easier to learn.

How do you decide between two jobs which are complete opposites?
I'm very into photography and the thrill of taking pictures but; I also am very into helping people mentally because I know it's hard to get support. I'm very good at photography and I'm currently doing it in school, I'm in high school. I'm also a very emotional person and I've always struggled mentally so I've always wanted to give everyone the mental support I've never gotten.

How often should I reach out to my Academic Advisor ?
I think it is a great idea for me to establish great communication with my Academic Advisor so I can keep on taking the necessary course for my degree. Not only that but I have been given great personal and professional advice and resources. I don't want to overstep my boundaries by asking a ton of questions all the time, but I would like to utilize as many resources, advice, and opportunities as my advisor can provide me.

(College Student) Have you ever heard of TRiO at your school? Tell me about your experience with it?
#college #college-advice #graduate-school #TRiO #support

Is this the job you wanted when grew up
Is this the job that you always wanted? #support #job-search #career

How do I begin self-improvement?
I want to become a better person with many hobbies that focuses on growth and stability. I attempted to begin a day with something new but, I begin to feel unmotivated to continue. #support #independent #growth #mindfulness #career

Would I be able to support myself financially if I did become a social worker?
I'm very interested in becoming a social worker but one of my biggest questions is whether or not i'd be able to support myself with this job. Would I make enough? #job #social #support

How difficult is it to balance being an #occupational therapist and a #mother?
I try to achieve the best in all that I do. I desire to be an #occupational therapist but I also want a #family to cherish. I would like to hear #advice on how I can chase down a #career but also #support and be involved with my family.

Where do I go for support?
Where am I able to find support when I am falling behind in a class or do not understand something? I have decided to go to a larger college and I'm worried about feeling lost and alone. Will there be peer mentors or professor mentors that will be able to help guide me to make the most effective choices? #learning #support #large-college #effective

How do people ensure themselves a financially stable future? How can I as well?
For example, I was always confused how people automatically move out of their parents' house and start supporting themselves right after receiving a job. When someone starts working, I always feel that it may be too early to start finding a home since a person wouldn't have too much money to begin with. Can anyone explain why this happens? I will try to clarify if anyone is confused. #finance #jobs #employment #support #houses

When selecting and entering a college, how do you handle the change of pace from being dependent to independent?
I am the youngest graduate from my high school, I will be graduating at the age of 16. I've matured faster than most my age but I still feel unprepared to handle life on my own. This is a vital question regarding my survival in college and life. #college #counselor #coaching #support

If I majored in Biology and Minored in Environmental Policy and Decision Making, what sort of careers would come out of this education?
I am a high school senior trying to decide a major for college. I love to read and write, and to explore the scientific world. I hope to learn more about biology in general and the environmental sciences. Once I leave college, I want a career that connects people to their environment. #science #biology #environment #support #earth

What are some majors specific to being a Nurse Midwife?
I am looking forward to becoming a nurse midwife. I am about to enter my first year of college and I do not want to waste my time or money by signing up for an unnecessary course. I need support on my journey toward midwifery. #education #nurse-midwife #support

What do I need to qualify for a customer service job?
I think there are some jobs in my area where I can work in customer service. What do I need to qualify for a customer service job? Do I need to have a certain college major, or can I go straight from high school. Do I need previous experience? Every job seems to require previous experience, so where do you get the FIRST job? #customer-service #support