Adam Alabrash
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How can I become a better singer?
I want to be a better singer, because I want to write songs and be an awesome singer, too. #bettersinger #music #voice #singing

if i wanted to be a enginer what skills do i need to become one.
well since i really like to build stuff i want to try it out because i really don't know what i want to be when i grow up and building might be the type of thing i'm good at. #engineering #stem #engineer #mechanical-engineering #mechanical-or-industrial-engineering #civil-engineering

How do I become director
sorry the one I give you was a mistake, so same like my past and dream. #director #motion-pictures-and-film #film #film-production

What courses do Mechanical Engineers have to take in college?
I am wondering what specific courses Mechanical Engineers must take in college. It would be helpful if someone could give me an example of what a mechanical engineer's course looks like. #mechanical-engineering #courses #engineering

How to get involved in politics as a high school student?
I'd like to get more involved in the political aspect of life, and particularly science advocacy. What are some things I can do as a student that might make a difference?
#politics #advocacy #science #lobbying #social-activism #environmental-services

Should I bring my resume to a college interview?
I feel like it could be useful, but I'm not sure. If so, what's the recommended length? How would it work with an online/Skype interview?
#college #interviews #resume

What would be the maximum yearly rate for Acoounting?
I want to be able to help people financially and get myself financially stacked for life. #business #accounting #mathematical-modeling