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Stephen Petersilge’s Avatar

Stephen Petersilge

Associate | Analytics at PwC
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Francisco, California
6 Answers
10004 Reads
16 Karma

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Kristin’s Avatar
Kristin Oct 25, 2016 1147 views

What is the balance like as a scholar-athlete in college?

I am a high school senior and currently the captain of the girls varsity tennis team and want to know how difficult it is to balance athletics and social life with the career choice of engineering. I understand engineering is a heavier work load, and playing a varsity sport at a college or...

Vanessa’s Avatar
Vanessa May 12, 2016 1286 views

What are colleges with good soccer teams?

I'd like to become a pro soccer player #soccer #athletics #career #college #athletic-training #career-counseling

Kiasia’s Avatar
Kiasia May 16, 2016 1393 views

How long do you have to go to school to become a CNM (Certified Nurse Midwife)?

I really need to know because I think that I will really enjoy this career. Therefore, I wanna get to it as soon as I can! #college #nurse #major #hospital #babies #cnm #science #college-major #nursing

Surya’s Avatar
Surya May 18, 2016 1424 views

To become a sports man how much we should read?

I'm interested in being an expert in sports. What publications should I read to keep up to date on everything happening in the sports world? #college #sports #educators #person #athletics #news #career

Gaia ’s Avatar
Gaia Oct 25, 2017 3274 views

What is a good minor with a Public Relations major?

Deciding if I want a minor for my PR major or just stick with PR major. I can't minor in Advertising, Journalism or anything similar but the University won't let me do that. I'm definitely always liked event planning, and always been interested in art. #college-minor #public-relations...

Parker’s Avatar
Parker Dec 02, 2016 2305 views

What is the difference between consulting and investment banking?

How are consulting (increasing efficiency) and investment banking (identifying trends) similar and/or dissimilar? Is there a significant cultural difference between working at an IB as opposed to a consulting firm? #investment-management #project-management #consulting