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Oakridge, Oregon
4 Questions
176 Karma

Shaila’s Career Goals

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Shaila’s Avatar
Shaila Mar 16, 2018 866 views

Is it worth it to play sports in college?

I've been playing softball for a long time now and now that graduation is right around the corner I've been seriously debating whether or not I should play for college. I know there is usually a scholarship that comes with playing a sport for college, but softball isn't one of the sports that...

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Shaila Mar 16, 2018 955 views

What is the most important step to take to prepare for college?

I'm a high school Senior (Home Schooled) and the nest step after graduation is college. I have a few side jobs right now like babysitting and cleaning our local church once a week, but it doesn't pay enough for college. Should I be focusing on money right now? Or should I be focusing more on...

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Shaila Mar 16, 2018 665 views

How and where would I find internships specific to the career fields I'm interested in?

I've been interested in both the law and medical fields for a long time now. I've been debating between becoming things like a pediatrician or family physician, a detective, private investigator, or crime scene investigator/forensics. All of these specific fields would take a lot of schooling...

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Shaila Mar 16, 2018 880 views

What kind of job do you recommend for a first year college student?

I'm a high school senior this year and going to be a college freshmen before I know it. I know it's important to focus on classes and even more time studying, but I don't want to graduate from college with a bunch of debt. What kind of job would you recommend to a new college student that...