Career questions tagged getting
What is the most important step to take to prepare for college?
I'm a high school Senior (Home Schooled) and the nest step after graduation is college. I have a few side jobs right now like babysitting and cleaning our local church once a week, but it doesn't pay enough for college. Should I be focusing on money right now? Or should I be focusing more on school right now? I am a straight A student and I've already been accepted into and enrolled in a university starting the next fall semester. Should I be focusing more on studying and maintaining my grades? Or should I be focusing the most on scholarships right now? What do you think is the most important step for most people to take before attending college? Is there anything specific we should be doing to prepare for college to make the transition easier? Is there anything specific we could be doing to prepare for college if we know what career we want to get into or at least what interests us? #Questions #Getting Ahead