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Cynthia Hunt’s Avatar

Cynthia Hunt

AT&T Strategic Account Lead IV
Management Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Los Angeles, California
4 Answers
6557 Reads
2 Karma

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Zoe’s Avatar
Zoe Mar 22, 2022 486 views

How do you come up with inspiration for a story?

If, say, you needed to come up with a short story for an assignment or something, what do you use for inspiration? How do you come up with something good?

Yabrina’s Avatar
Yabrina Jan 24, 2018 1156 views

Best markets to break into?

I will be graduating with my associates degree soon, and then will be finishing up a few classes to earn my associates in business as well. I would like to know which field of business is best to pursue once I graduate that will allow me to utilize my degrees. #graduation #classof2020 #degree...

Shekinah’s Avatar
Shekinah Feb 15, 2017 2811 views

If I wanted to become a singer, what kind of college would I need to attend ?

I would like to become a singer when I get older, and am wondering what would be a good college to attend . #college #high-school-classes #elementary #middle-school #vocalist #music #music-performance

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Mar 20, 2018 1018 views

What are the best tools for staying debt free when going to college?

I've heard stories of people getting "full rides" to college and I want to know how? Does that mean they will get their education at no financial cost? And if so, how can all of us students do that? I want to get my degree as a Dietician and am looking for colleges that aren't ridiculously...