Cynthia Hunt
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How do you come up with inspiration for a story?
If, say, you needed to come up with a short story for an assignment or something, what do you use for inspiration? How do you come up with something good?

Best markets to break into?
I will be graduating with my associates degree soon, and then will be finishing up a few classes to earn my associates in business as well. I would like to know which field of business is best to pursue once I graduate that will allow me to utilize my degrees. #graduation #classof2020 #degree...

If I wanted to become a singer, what kind of college would I need to attend ?
I would like to become a singer when I get older, and am wondering what would be a good college to attend . #college #high-school-classes #elementary #middle-school #vocalist #music #music-performance

What are the best tools for staying debt free when going to college?
I've heard stories of people getting "full rides" to college and I want to know how? Does that mean they will get their education at no financial cost? And if so, how can all of us students do that? I want to get my degree as a Dietician and am looking for colleges that aren't ridiculously...