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Stephanie Rockford’s Avatar

Stephanie Rockford

MPH student at Claremont Graduate University
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
4 Answers
4242 Reads
1 Karma

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James’s Avatar
James Jan 26, 2017 2011 views

Should I choose a major(s) based on what career I want to pursue, or choose a career based on the major(s) that interest me?

I am still unsure about future career paths and declaring majors and am in need of some guidance. #college #college-major #career-counseling #career-choice #higher-education #college-majors #undecided

darshan’s Avatar
darshan Apr 27, 2016 1297 views

I am a student of 10th, how can I score good marks in science?

because I am poor in science #teaching #students #science #higher-education #education

Tristan’s Avatar
Tristan Jan 16, 2018 900 views

How do you know what career you want without actually having the experience?

I feel like many people say they want to be a nurse, doctor, engineer, computer programmer, et cetera without having much experience. How do they know that those jobs will not burn them out after years of being in the field? How are you supposed to find your passion when you are bound to high...

roniah’s Avatar
roniah May 26, 2016 854 views

How closely related are Surgical Technicians and Emergency Physican's Assistant? and which college would be best if I wanted to pursue those career fields?

I have narrowed my career choices down to either becoming a surgical technician or an emergency physican's assistant but I cant make a choice because both seem to fit me perfectly? #college #medicine #emergency-medicine #surgical-assisting #pharmacy-technicians