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Sidney’s Avatar


Omaha, Nebraska
7 Questions
311 Karma

Sidney’s Career Goals

Screen Writer/ Director


Citizen Patrol
Civic Duty

Active Locations

Sidney’s Avatar
Sidney Apr 09, 2018 737 views

Adding music

when adding music to a short film is it better to use music people already know or go with something that people don't know?

Sidney’s Avatar
Sidney Apr 04, 2018 1038 views

Editing things together?

When editing footage together what is the best method to use? i.e. is ok to use a lot of small clips or reshoot and use bigger ones?
#digital-media #motion-pictures-and-film

Sidney’s Avatar
Sidney Mar 21, 2018 968 views

Good place for financal aid?

Where is a good place to find financial aid so that transferring to a 4 year school doesn't drowned me in debt?

Sidney’s Avatar
Sidney Mar 21, 2018 917 views

Good place for financal aid?

Where is a good place to find financial aid so that transferring to a 4 year school doesn't drowned me in debt?

Sidney’s Avatar
Sidney Mar 19, 2018 1139 views

Finical Aid?

Ok so i have decided to go to a four year school after getting my associates degree and i was wondering where are the best places to look for finical aid?
#Financal-Aid #Adult-Learners #money-management

Sidney’s Avatar
Sidney Mar 14, 2018 700 views

Camera Techniques?

Are there any camera techniques (for RTF) that you would recommend for someone just getting started? or someone who just doesn't get along well with technology?

Sidney’s Avatar
Sidney Mar 14, 2018 756 views

How to get out of the "just getting started process"?

Ok so I am a Digital Media Production student, and i have an advanced script writing class and I am having trouble coming up with an idea that seems solid enough to devote time to. Should i take a leap and go with something that might be shaky or skip it and do something super simple so that i...