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dennis’s Avatar
dennis Mar 14, 2018 1241 views

Where can I get an internship for my intended major of Computer Science and Information?

I really want to pursue a career involving computer information science, specifically artificial intelligence and data analytics. The reason why i’m asking is due to a hard time finding internships I qualify for. #ArtificialIntelligence #ComputerScience #ComputerInformation #Data #DataAnalytics...

Damon’s Avatar
Damon Jan 19, 2018 1019 views

What are the classes I should focus on to maximize my business education?

I am unsure which area in the business field I am most suited for whether it be in marketing, advertising, accounting, management, finances, I will eventually come to a decision as I reflect on what I enjoy, although I would like to obtain all of the skills and knowledge I need to succeed in...