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Azja’s Avatar
Azja Dec 02, 2014 41768 views

What are the pros and cons of being an elementary school teacher?

The reason why i ask this is because i want to be an elementary schools teacher and the pros i know is just working with kids and enjoying your job ,but what are some cons i can prepare myself for?

TyanaCodman2’s Avatar
TyanaCodman2 Jan 06, 2012 1875 views

Do you enjoy your job in early childhood development?

I enjoy working with kids because iam around them alot and i like helping them develop their skills and solve their problems . #childhood-development

Azja’s Avatar
Azja Dec 08, 2014 1276 views

what were some of the required classes in college for majoring in early childhood education?

I'm into being a teacher for younger kids grades k1-4th and i was just wondering the classes that are required to be taken and if you have to also take a course in a subject? #college #teacher #education #classes #early-childhood-education

Devon’s Avatar
Devon Jan 13, 2015 1747 views

What are good majors to take to become an elementary teacher?

I want to become an elementary teacher and I am in my senior year of high school and wondering what good majors are. #teaching #teacher #professors #elementary-education

Lostaboutlife’s Avatar
Lostaboutlife Jan 13, 2015 2750 views

I don't know what I want to major in College

Well I first started college and had many ups and downs. I met a teacher who was a Child Development teacher and she was the best professor I ever had. I decided to major in Child Development. After that I worked with children from babies to High Schoolers. I figured out I don't have the...