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La Mirada, California
3 Questions
191 Karma

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Sophia ’s Avatar
Sophia Mar 25, 2015 1379 views

What are the financial benefits of becoming a nutritionist?

Well, I have a variety of interests and given that I love to give people advice I feel that I would be good at being someone who advises to other people what they should and should not eat. I myself watch what I eat and feel that the community as whole would benefit a lot from people in this field.

Sophia ’s Avatar
Sophia Mar 23, 2015 1134 views

What Career would I pursue if I double major in English and Chicano studies?

I love to write so I figured to major in English. I want to be a writer but also somewhat of an activist that awakens awareness in society about a plethora of issues/topics. Chicano studies is a major/minor that got my attention. It provides insight on latino/Mexican culture.I figured that...

Sophia ’s Avatar
Sophia Jan 26, 2015 5763 views

What major do I need to study to be a writer

I am a high school junior and for awhile now I've been wondering about what career path I should take. I believe that a job is something you do for money and a career is something you do because your passionate about it. I love to write! I find myself writing everywhere in my spare time and...