Career questions tagged novel-writer

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Natalie1057 views

Can I live off being a writer and or poet?

I am currently a freshman in high school and I was wondering this because I want to be prepared for what my future holds. Becoming a writer has always been my goal ever since I was younger.

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Lydia-kay806 views

Editing my first draft?

I have finished the first draft of my first book, and am almost done with the first draft of my second book. How can I get the necessary edits without all of the money?

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Christopher 1397 views

How to become a successful writer?

In want to learn how to become a successful and noticeable writer. Also, knowing what could give me of a better chance to getting published. #author #journalist #fiction #fiction-writing #novel-writer #science-fiction

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Jazzmin1306 views

Is there a specific path, or steps that someone must follow to become a creative writer?

Hi! I am a high school senior who loves history and who never stops writing. I used to strongly want to be a writer, but through the years I was slowly discouraged. However, I reevaluated the career today and it still interest me. Are they any steps or is there a certain path I have to follow to become a writer? #creative #writer #fiction #writers #novel-writer

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Sophia 5771 views

What major do I need to study to be a writer

I am a high school junior and for awhile now I've been wondering about what career path I should take. I believe that a job is something you do for money and a career is something you do because your passionate about it. I love to write! I find myself writing everywhere in my spare time and even in class(where I'm supposed to be paying attention, lol) I want to be a writer but I don't know where to start or what resources I should be looking for. #educator #journalism #writer #famous #novel-writer

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