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Daniela Silva’s Avatar

Daniela Silva

Freelance Writer in Mental Health and Education
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
State of Goiás, State of Goiás, Brazil
922 Answers
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Brooke’s Avatar
Brooke Dec 15, 2014 1209 views

Is the majority of your time, as a geneticist, spent interacting with patients or doing laboratory work?

I have taken a semester long genetics course in high school and I found it very intriguing. I was curious if being a genetics counselor involved mostly talking to patients about their genes and what risks they carry or if it involves laboratory work. #doctor #science #biology #technology...

Emma-ly’s Avatar
Emma-ly Mar 24, 2015 5748 views

What is a typical day for a Media producer?

I want to go into film or television production and I would like to know of the challenges and satisfactorily within the day in the life of a film or television producer. #film #television #media #producer #media-production

Shaquana’s Avatar
Shaquana Mar 21, 2015 958 views

When considering a career in film and media how much is your success dependent on experience (or who you know) versus a college education in that field?

I generally know that a career as a director or screen writer is very competitive because there are a lot of people who want jobs in that field. I also know that most of the time careers involving media depend on who you know sometimes over what you know. Is it overall worth the risk of...

Kenneth’s Avatar
Kenneth Sep 17, 2015 1329 views

If I don't get into grad school right away, where should I start looking for work with my current degree even though Biology isn't my intended focus.

Hello all, I am a recent graduate with a Biology degree. I would like to put my focus into grad school and possibly pursue a career in PT or Athletic training. Because of my basic GPA(2.9), I feel as if I won't get into the schools that I want. Also, because my school only offered a degree in...

Nicquela’s Avatar
Nicquela Apr 10, 2015 7196 views

What are potential challenges one might face when becoming an obstetrician?

I am asking this question, because I would love to be aware of some challenges I'll be facing in the nearer future. I want to know from an Obstetrician themselves or at least a doctor that believes they know, so I can make a final decision.

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Sep 30, 2015 2055 views

A counselor told me that to be able to go to a University I should start doing extracurricular activities like clubs, sports, etc.(I am not athletic what so ever). My question is, Is it really that necessary?

I don't always have time for extracurricular activities, I also don't work but I have chores and lots of homework every night, I'm taking 4 AP classes right now ( I'm a junior in high school). Just thinking about joining a club and staying after-school sounds like too much stress! ( I know I...

Jasmin’s Avatar
Jasmin Mar 23, 2015 1054 views

what type of job can you get with a criminal justice degree?

i'm interest in criminal justice #criminal-justice #criminology

Sophia ’s Avatar
Sophia Mar 23, 2015 1066 views

What Career would I pursue if I double major in English and Chicano studies?

I love to write so I figured to major in English. I want to be a writer but also somewhat of an activist that awakens awareness in society about a plethora of issues/topics. Chicano studies is a major/minor that got my attention. It provides insight on latino/Mexican culture.I figured that...

Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna Mar 17, 2015 823 views

fashion design

I understand that many colleges provide internships for students studying in Fashion Design, however, after college, is it hard to find a good job within the fashion field? Especially for students looking to start their own businesses, how would one go about being noticed by bigger businesses?...

Arianna’s Avatar
Arianna Apr 08, 2015 3211 views

What classes are required for a medical examiner?

I am interested in fulfilling this career and want to get a head start on my classes. #doctor #forensic #crime-scene-investigator #medical-examiner

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Mar 04, 2015 1368 views

Aerospace Engineering

I'm a Junior in highschool and i have an interest in aerospace engineering. I wanted to ask a few questions about the field. Questions: What are some of the classes that I can take right now in Highschool that would help make it easier? (I know physics is probably a major one.) What is the job...

Erick’s Avatar
Erick Sep 20, 2015 5465 views

In which county in California does a barber make the most money?

I'm really interested in becoming a barber, but I want to know in which county does a barber makes the most money so in the future I know where to look for a job

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Apr 09, 2015 752 views

What Hospitals do you think that are best suited for a pediatrics?

Another goal is to work with kids. However, I want to help them with their health. #pediatrics

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Sep 12, 2015 981 views

general surgery residency

am a final year medical student(MBCHB), after a graduate would like to do my general surgery residency in the US. How possible it it? and approximately how much are the fees for residents? #student

Shonnelia ’s Avatar
Shonnelia Apr 07, 2015 2614 views

Does a Private Detective/ Investigator have to take a chemistry course in college?

I am an 10th and I'm interested in being a Private Detective/ Investigator however chemistry is not a strong suit for me. #criminal-justice #private-detective #private-investigations