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Saint Maries, Idaho
5 Questions
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Anna Sep 27, 2018 1247 views

What can I get involved in to help my application to a dietetics program look better?

#college #science #college-selection #internship #dietetics #nutrition

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Anna Sep 27, 2018 852 views

I feel like I am not getting involved in college as much as I should. I basically go to my classes and that's it. I don't really go out or anything... I'm majoring in dietetics and want to get involved in some things related to that or just overall fun activities, but I'm not sure what or how. Any suggestions?

#college #involvement #college-advice #college-selection

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Anna Jul 12, 2018 866 views

Prereqs for Med School?

I know that medical schools typically require you to have one year of biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics. Would Anatomy & physiology, biochemistry, or microbiology cover the biology part? (I'm taking all of them) Also, if I end up not taking a lab for half of semester in...

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Anna Jul 06, 2018 904 views

Would it be better to work as a medical scribe or job shadow doctors?

I do not really have any experience with the medical field, and I really want more exposure because I think that I am interested in becoming a doctor. What way would you suggest to be the best way to introduce myself to and get more involved with this field? Is it difficult to be a scribe if...

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Anna Jul 06, 2018 876 views

Majors as pre-med?

So I'm going to be a freshman in college this upcoming year, and I am majoring in dietetics. I am really interested in health and medicine especially when it is food related. I love the idea of being a dietitian, but I don't think that it will be challenging enough for me to be happy. I...