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Ashley Cooper’s Avatar

Ashley Cooper

Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Lithonia, Georgia
6 Answers
4943 Reads
1 Karma



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sam’s Avatar
sam Jan 08 1659 views

how to sign up for college?

how to sign up for college? I when to go to college but I do not know what to do and I do not know how to sing up for college can you help me

Jayson’s Avatar
Jayson Oct 02, 2023 314 views

How hard is it living on your own after college?

Hi my name is Jayson and although I have not yet finished school and am currently in high school. I just want to know how difficult life is outside of school once you grow up and get your own place.

Kellie’s Avatar
Kellie Nov 15, 2022 541 views

How did you decide what to continue and what direction to go after college? #Fall 22

IF my potential major is biology? How could I narrow down my options after graduating?

Vanessa’s Avatar
Vanessa Nov 08, 2022 743 views

What criteria do I need to take into account to determine which college is the best for me?

There seem to be many different things you need to take into account when choosing a college and it can be overwhelming to sort those details out.

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Feb 11, 2022 1299 views

What are the best AP classes are the best to take even if your are undecided in college major?

I am still young and have a lot to decide but will be in high school soon and need to figure everything out! #academic-advising Edit: It is now October of 2022. I have moved farther up in my schooling, still not quite there but getting closer and more eager to continue my education! I do...

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Mar 05, 2018 867 views

What are some good habits to start when attending college?

I'm asking this because I would like some advice on how to start college without being too stressed or overwhelmed. #college-advice