Sonya Connor
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how to find my dream passion interest goal meaning purpose?
how to find my dream passion interest goal meaning purpose

What can I do at 16 to get ready for my future As of now, I try online things like dropshipping. I want to get into real estate, but need money to start.?
What can I do at 16 to get ready for my future? As of now, I try online things like dropshipping. I want to get into real estate, but need money to start.

If you've went through an experience where you were dedicated to a major in college for two years, but found another major to be even more fascinating--how did you approach this?
I'm a senior going into college later this year, and was wondering how I should approach this occurrence if it ever pops up in my life! #college #college-major #college-advice

What are some challenges for a business career?
I am considering to do a business career but I am worried about what challenges I could face in the future. #business

How does one combat with the motivational obstacles that may come with college?
As the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 continues to surge this year, my worries is how it may affect how college will go for me? #college #college-advice

On your resume, how should you tailor your objective statement when applying to jobs in different subjects?
#resume #job #job-search # #job-application #career-objective

What are questions I should ask in an interview if I am applying to be a flight attendant?
job application #job-application #interviews #job #career #experience

What advice do you have for students applying for entry-level roles as recent graduates amid the COVID-19 pandemic?
#graduate #career #resume #stem #job #compsci #first-job #hiring #computer_science #engineering #tech #civil-engineering #COVID-19

What are some good clubs to join in college? What advice do you have for someone who wants to start a club?
If I have an interest in writing, history, and the humanities, how can I use in that in the college world? What advice do you have for someone who wants to start a club? #college #college-admissions #college-majors #college-jobs #history #humanities #student-affairs #student-clubs

Pros and cons of graduating early in high school
Hey y'all. I'm a junior who moved into a new school who'll have a block schedule next year (senior year). I have the opportunity to graduate early since I'm ahead compared to most of my peers. What are the pros and cons of graduating early, like mid-year? Will colleges like that or they think...

How do you build connections for a career when you graduate college?
I want to make sure I have a job following college graduation. I hope to have job security when I complete college education. #college #career #job

What is the best advice when it comes to spend money on book and supplies for college?
Best places to buy books online for less or is renting a better option. #money #college #education

How pertinent is it that the jobs you have in college pertain to your career path?
I am a sophomore in college and I'm having difficulty finding summer jobs that apply to what I want to do in a career sense. Will this hurt me when I apply to graduate school? #college #employment #connections