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Sonya Connor’s Avatar

Sonya Connor

Sys Spec IT Qual Assurance
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
16 Answers
22881 Reads
1 Karma
Aditya’s Avatar
Aditya Jan 22, 2024 2021 views

how to find my dream passion interest goal meaning purpose?

how to find my dream passion interest goal meaning purpose

Savion’s Avatar
Savion Jan 22, 2024 1382 views

What is good advice to become a writer?

Good steps to become a writer.

Natalie’s Avatar
Natalie Jan 22, 2024 1577 views

What can I do at 16 to get ready for my future As of now, I try online things like dropshipping. I want to get into real estate, but need money to start.?

What can I do at 16 to get ready for my future? As of now, I try online things like dropshipping. I want to get into real estate, but need money to start.

Engoron’s Avatar
Engoron Jan 23, 2022 709 views

If you've went through an experience where you were dedicated to a major in college for two years, but found another major to be even more fascinating--how did you approach this?

I'm a senior going into college later this year, and was wondering how I should approach this occurrence if it ever pops up in my life! #college #college-major #college-advice

Un Ieng’s Avatar
Un Ieng Jan 23, 2022 924 views

What are some challenges for a business career?

I am considering to do a business career but I am worried about what challenges I could face in the future. #business

Jayden’s Avatar
Jayden Jan 24, 2022 1004 views

How does one combat with the motivational obstacles that may come with college?

As the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 continues to surge this year, my worries is how it may affect how college will go for me? #college #college-advice

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Mar 06, 2020 1274 views

On your resume, how should you tailor your objective statement when applying to jobs in different subjects?

#resume #job #job-search # #job-application #career-objective

Kiana’s Avatar
Kiana Nov 04, 2019 968 views

What are questions I should ask in an interview if I am applying to be a flight attendant?

job application #job-application #interviews #job #career #experience

Augusta Irechukwu’s Avatar
Augusta Mar 21, 2020 2634 views

What advice do you have for students applying for entry-level roles as recent graduates amid the COVID-19 pandemic?

#graduate #career #resume #stem #job #compsci #first-job #hiring #computer_science #engineering #tech #civil-engineering #COVID-19

Vera’s Avatar
Vera Oct 20, 2016 1967 views

What are some good clubs to join in college? What advice do you have for someone who wants to start a club?

If I have an interest in writing, history, and the humanities, how can I use in that in the college world? What advice do you have for someone who wants to start a club? #college #college-admissions #college-majors #college-jobs #history #humanities #student-affairs #student-clubs

Noelani’s Avatar
Noelani May 11, 2018 982 views

Pros and cons of graduating early in high school

Hey y'all. I'm a junior who moved into a new school who'll have a block schedule next year (senior year). I have the opportunity to graduate early since I'm ahead compared to most of my peers. What are the pros and cons of graduating early, like mid-year? Will colleges like that or they think...

Alexia’s Avatar
Alexia Aug 30, 2018 1028 views

How do you manage to work and study in college?

#CollegeLife #Studying

Nicolas’s Avatar
Nicolas Oct 29, 2016 980 views

How do you build connections for a career when you graduate college?

I want to make sure I have a job following college graduation. I hope to have job security when I complete college education. #college #career #job

Isabel’s Avatar
Isabel Aug 20, 2018 749 views

What is the best advice when it comes to spend money on book and supplies for college?

Best places to buy books online for less or is renting a better option. #money #college #education

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Jan 12, 2017 1065 views

How pertinent is it that the jobs you have in college pertain to your career path?

I am a sophomore in college and I'm having difficulty finding summer jobs that apply to what I want to do in a career sense. Will this hurt me when I apply to graduate school? #college #employment #connections