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Ahlyia’s Avatar


Methuen, Massachusetts
2 Questions
221 Karma

Ahlyia’s Career Goals

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Ahlyia’s Avatar
Ahlyia Aug 27, 2018 1593 views

What are ways to increase your changes of being accepted to four year colleges, despite being from a low income area?

Another question I have is how can I stand out to colleges while being from a low income area that, to me, seems to limit my opportunities? I have had personal experiences losing great opportunities due to where I am from. #college #high-school #low-income-area #workforce #steam #stem #science...

Ahlyia’s Avatar
Ahlyia Aug 27, 2018 1083 views

What are the challenges I may face pursuing a career in science, and how can I stand out among the rest?

For my first two years in high school I have been studying biotechnology and I have been working diligently in preparing myself for college and the workforce. Though I have not decided on an exact career, I am deeply considering one within forensics, pharmaceuticals, or in the space exploration...