David Pfendt
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Can you get your Masters and Bachelors degree at the same time?
I am considering going into information technologies. I was wondering whether or not I can get my Bachelpr's and Master's degree at the same time in undergrad and/or grad school. #degrees #BS #MBA #help #highschool

Is it worth it to get an MBA straight after getting a BBA or wait for a couple years before going to grad school?
Don't know which option is better in the long run
#mba #bba

How helpful is your school’s alumni network in finding a job after graduation?
I can take the proper courses to prepare myself for the job I want. I can get experience. But how do I get set on the proper path? Will the school help me find a good job? Are schools’ alumni more open to hiring recent graduates of their alma mater? #social-networking #networking...