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Michael Cox’s Avatar

Michael Cox

Not an expert, but I offer real world experience that I want my daughter to learn
Hoover, Alabama
6 Answers
5198 Reads
31 Karma

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Myles’s Avatar
Myles Apr 16, 2022 1322 views

What makes a good team in software development?

More specifically, what are some good qualities that you have noticed from team members that get a good team going? Humor, flow, just anything in general that you have noticed help bring a team together to be more enjoyable & productive, specifically in computer science.

Ian’s Avatar
Ian Aug 21, 2019 606 views

What tools should i be familiar with in Auto Mechanics?


Megan’s Avatar
Megan Sep 21, 2018 647 views

Where do I look to find the best jobs that will help me in the long run?

I want to get a job, but I don't want one that will just get me by, I want to get one that will help me in the long run and be beneficial for a future career. Where would you recomment looking for a job that will help me in the long run?


melanie’s Avatar
melanie Aug 17, 2018 904 views

What is more impressive to colleges? AP classes, Move On When Ready, or IB?


Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Aug 23, 2018 777 views

I plan on going to college for fall 2019 and i would like to know about the business management major.

#businessmanagement #UNT

Abygail’s Avatar
Abygail Aug 23, 2018 997 views

Are Greek parties fun?

Are sorority/fraternity parties actually fun? Or are they just a bunch of people getting completely wasted and randomly hooking up? #greek-life #sorority #fraternity