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Jeff Burt’s Avatar

Jeff Burt

Software Engineer at AT&T
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Production Occupations
5 Answers
3554 Reads
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Rasheeda’s Avatar
Rasheeda Aug 21, 2019 697 views

What are some tools of the trade I should be familiar with in culinary?

#culinary-arts #cooking #chef

Hana’s Avatar
Hana Oct 22, 2015 1884 views

which career do you think is better culinary arts, technology, or being in the gaming industry?

I am in 6th grade and I love just about a little bit of everything. The careers I am looking into are all very different from each other, so I need help on deciding. I also want to know the pros and cons of the careers. I have always loved cooking, and sometimes I even make meals for my family....

ashley’s Avatar
ashley Jan 31, 2019 603 views

How do you advance the culinary field?

#chef #cooking #culinary-arts

Kort’s Avatar
Kort Jan 26, 2019 654 views

What is it like to really be a chef in a professional kitchen or even a bakery owner . What do you do daily ? Do you really enjoy what it is that your doing ? Have you ever had any regrets about choosing that career ? Did you ever worry that you would not make enough financial in choosing this career ? Does your job effect your lifestyle or relationship? I would love some insight !

#chef #career #baker #advice #cooking

Hieu’s Avatar
Hieu Dec 17, 2018 604 views

What is the environment like in a culinary school/workspace?

#culinary-arts #cooking