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Dawn Cordero’s Avatar

Dawn Cordero

Chief of Staff
Management Occupations - Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Dallas, Texas
58 Answers
103391 Reads
72 Karma

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Luis’s Avatar
Luis Apr 28, 2022 1035 views

Should I complete my basics in a community college or should I join the military and do my education afterwards?

I wanted to see what options are better, whether to complete my basics first or complete all my education after I serve the military.

Yew Kin’s Avatar
Yew Kin Aug 06, 2020 10139 views

How to engage in a conversation with a recipient that only gives one-word answers?

I would break the ice when starting conversations with new connections by asking "How have they been coping during the COVID 19 situation?" etc. Many gave me generic answers like, "I'm good, how are you?" (Seems like I'm the only one invested in the conversation) I find it much easier to...

Ishmael’s Avatar
Ishmael May 03, 2022 2152 views

What has your experience in the military been like?

Someone who is in the military how has it affected your life in 20 years?

Qiaowen’s Avatar
Qiaowen Jun 28, 2021 725 views

What's plan would fast to learn english?

#english #language

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Jan 31, 2022 4451 views

What's the best way to become fluent in a foreign language?

I've been studying several East Asian languages and so far, I've tried taking formal classes and online courses, self-teaching through textbooks, and using spaced repetition. I've also heard that immersion is a good way to learn, so I've been trying to implement more of that into my routine as...

Violet’s Avatar
Violet Feb 25, 2022 918 views

What kinds of foreign language careers are there?

I am interested in foreign languages, especially Spanish and Hawaiin. I think it would be fun to have a job related to languages.

#foreign-languages #language #spanish #hawaiin

Marco’s Avatar
Marco Jul 22, 2022 11495 views

How long do you have to be in the military to qualify as a veteran?

Planning to be in the military before college, wanna know if I will qualify to be a veteran if I served for 4 years.

madison’s Avatar
madison Nov 13, 2020 1023 views

in the military where are the places they go for basic training ?

#basic training

Grant’s Avatar
Grant Mar 08, 2021 1061 views

What are some benefits you can get if you serve in the military?

I want to join the military right after high school #military

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon May 18, 2021 1487 views

Is it hard doing your military work while getting a college degree?

I'm graduating in 4 weeks and my plans is to be a part of the military. I'm trying to prepare to be active in the military while pursuing a college degree.
#military #informationtechnology

anijyah’s Avatar
anijyah May 24, 2021 1239 views

What should I look forward to going straight into the military?

#army #military

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Apr 08, 2014 1229 views

How do people stay motivated going through a school experience?

For some reason I just cant seem to stay motivated while in school. I find myself in situations where I am daydreaming about exploring my own interests rather than being stuck learning what school says I have to. As a junior in high school this dilemma is a huge issue for me because I have a...

Ena’s Avatar
Ena Mar 18, 2017 1135 views

How to keep confidence to study?

After midterm, accounting and project management hurts me a lot. #study

Mekenzie’s Avatar
Mekenzie Sep 01, 2017 802 views

What are some good study tips?

#study #studying-tips

Makaylan’s Avatar
Makaylan Jan 18, 2018 678 views

What are some good study tips for when I get to college?

My high school is quite small and I feel like I haven’t had extremely challenging tests where I needed to study a lot. I know there will be very difficult exams in college so I’m looking for the best ways to study to pass them with flying colors. #study #exams