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United States
2 Questions
131 Karma

Calista’s Career Goals

I want to be an orthopedic surgeon.

Calista’s Avatar
Calista Oct 31, 2018 1552 views

Why are college acceptance rates so low?

Acceptance rates to “elite” colleges and universities are extremely low and continue to drop each year. So I am wondering if these colleges and universities are very hard to get into because they admission standards have changed and continue to change of if there are just more applicants each...

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Calista Oct 31, 2018 737 views

In 2018, are women still underrepresented in the medical field?

I know that in the past women have been underrepresented in basically all STEM fields but it seems like more women are beginning to enter professions that are traditionally “male-dominated” such as medicine. So my question is: in 2018 do men still significantly outnumber women in medical...