Michael’s Career Goals
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How can I gain skills for a Sound Engineering Technician?
I would like to be able to expand my knowledge about sound engineering technicians. I would like to know what would be the best way to gain skills and knowledge about sound engineering technicians. #engineering #engineer #electrical-engineering #architecture #career

What is the pay for a Sound Engineering Technician?
I am wanting to be able to get a job as a sound engineering technician after i finish my career at job corps. I would like to know what the pay is like for this annually. I need a job that i will be able to live off of on my own. How much does the pay advance with job advancements for this...

What is the requirements for a Sound Engineering Technician?
I am interested in becoming a sound engineering technician after I complete my job corps training. Would like to know what the requirements are for this job position because sometimes when they say a high school diploma they only take people with collage degrees so I would like to know what...