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Los Angeles, California
6 Questions
341 Karma

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Mayra May 28, 2015 1421 views

How many years of college you need to be a medical assistant?

i am junior in oscar de la hoya animo charter high school and i want to know how long it will take to be a medical assistant to be financial prepared #college #medicine #university #medicine-assistant #years

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Mayra May 28, 2015 1288 views

what colleges should i be looking at if i want to major in the medical field?

i am a high school student that is thinking about being a nurse #medicine #nurse #major #colleges #medicine-field

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Mayra May 28, 2015 4324 views

what jobs can i get if i major in child development?

i am a high school student that likes how the mind works and enjoys teaching/playing with kids. #career #college-major #jobs #children #special-education #child-development

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Mayra May 28, 2015 3245 views

What skills do you need for your business to be successful?

i want to start my own business when i finish my college #business #university #entrepreneurship #major #successful

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Mayra May 28, 2015 1774 views

what university is known to be the best for the major business/Marketing?

well i am junior at odlh and i want to major in business/marketing but i dont know which university is the best. #business #university #marketing

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Mayra May 05, 2015 1252 views

How do you start your own business?

i am asking this question because i am a junior that i am interested in majoring in business and creating my own business. i want to start a restaurant or a banquet hall for parties. #business #entrepreneurship #restauranteur