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Anton Podviaznikov’s Avatar

Anton Podviaznikov

software engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Francisco, California
3 Answers
2946 Reads
1 Karma

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Drakena’s Avatar
Drakena May 16, 2016 1234 views

With Communication Mediums Changing So Rapidly, Do You Believe College Will Be Needed In A Centruy From Now?

I am a communication studies major and I am aware on how fast websites like social media and blogs come and go in this time of age. They all have some affect on our lifestyles. Now that college is becoming so expensive and they are not giving out as much financial aid as they used to. Are...

Evan’s Avatar
Evan May 25, 2016 2157 views

Is it normal for me to feel afraid for not knowing the things to do the job I was hired for?

I want to do software or hardware but am afraid I am going to put in the job with no idea what to do. #engineer #computer #technology #software #computer-hardware #startups

Ariel’s Avatar
Ariel Mar 05, 2019 798 views

What sort of Tech. would you personally like to see/develop in the near future?

Specifically technology that will not only provide the most beneficiality for us in the long run for generations to come, but to assist us in keeping our A-Game in all that we put our best effort in accomplishing. #technology #computer #science #computer-software #programming #computer-science...