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Sachin Hegde’s Avatar

Sachin Hegde

San Jose, California
125 Answers
90622 Reads
322 Karma


Civic Duty

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Alondra’s Avatar
Alondra Aug 27, 2019 453 views

What are some classes that I can take so it can help me to be a surgeon?

My name is Alondra and this is my junior year and I want to know what classes can help me to be a pediatric surgeon and what can I do when I get to my senior year.
#medicine #doctor #hospital-and-health-care

Christina’s Avatar
Christina Sep 27, 2019 1253 views

What is the usual pay that physical therapist get?

I'm a senior at Brennan High school and i am interested in the medical field (Physical therapy) and i would like to know more about the process of becoming a physical therapist. #physical-therapist #physical-therapy #medicine #physical #therapy

Omar’s Avatar
Omar Oct 03, 2019 732 views

Are there any negatives to being an orthodontist?

#robertolozano #interested #orthodontist

Addryan’s Avatar
Addryan Oct 03, 2019 553 views

whats it like being an rn

#professional nurse

Jacqueline’s Avatar
Jacqueline Sep 06, 2019 612 views

What are somethings a CNA does?

#medicalfeild #CNA

danna’s Avatar
danna Sep 25, 2019 674 views

What are the negatives of becoming an orthopedic surgeon?

a high school student considering following the path of becoming an orthopedic surgeon. #surgery #doctor #medicine #orthopedic #surgery #premed

dymond’s Avatar
dymond Aug 27, 2019 476 views

how many years you have to do to become a surgeon

#doctor #surgery

Eunice’s Avatar
Eunice Aug 23, 2019 496 views

what skills we need to be a physical therapist?


Nicole’s Avatar
Nicole Nov 20, 2019 795 views

What are they different types of Botany?

I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm thinking about going to college to be a Botanist. #Botany

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Nov 20, 2019 729 views

What is most rewarding about being a dental hygienist?

#dental #dentistry

Laura’s Avatar
Laura Nov 14, 2019 596 views

What are some cons when it comes to working in cosmetology?

I know I want to go into cosmetology, but i want to be prepared for the worst and it would be nice what exactly the worst was. #cosmetology

Lily’s Avatar
Lily Nov 20, 2019 344 views

What are the down sides of becoming an orthodontist/dentist?

I am a freshman in high school and I am curious if there is anything that dentists or orthodontists don't enjoy in their job. I am very interested in this career or something similar to it. What are the things that dentists do enjoy? #dentistry

derrik’s Avatar
derrik Nov 20, 2019 461 views

what requirements do you need to work as an industrial maintenance worker?


Justin’s Avatar
Justin Dec 02, 2019 587 views

What is needed for getting into being a elevator installer

I am starting in job corps and looking to take either the electrical trade or the automotive trade, which trade should I take for it
#installation #electrical #auto

Jacque’s Avatar
Jacque Nov 20, 2019 580 views

What is the best school to become a physical therapist?
