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Chandrashekar Hegde’s Avatar

Chandrashekar Hegde

Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
11 Answers
8758 Reads
10 Karma

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Tanisha’s Avatar
Tanisha Apr 25, 2019 1201 views

What subjects we need to take in high school to become a lawyer

#laywer we should take science maths social science and english

Bhavya’s Avatar
Bhavya May 29, 2016 1553 views

What exactly does a naval architect do? Is this a good profession to take up?

To know more about it. #teaching #teacher #professional #education #educator #information

RAVI’s Avatar
RAVI Dec 05, 2017 1043 views

Top Entrance Exam for pursuing M.Sc. in India?

Top entrance #exams in India? #college #academic-advising #entrance-exams #college-preparation #applications

Ajith’s Avatar
Ajith May 12, 2016 1476 views

I want to become a software engineer. What are the process I should follow?

i have completed 10th i am interested in computer science . #college #computer-software #engineering #software-engineering

Sabarideepa’s Avatar
Sabarideepa Apr 20, 2016 1475 views

If I choose BCA, what are the extra courses to be done? Will I get placements?

I am doing by 12th standard in Govt School. If I choose BCA what are the extra courses to be done? Will i get placement #professor #it-support #academic-advising

shabhana’s Avatar
shabhana May 23, 2016 1234 views

how do I become a fashion designer ?

i have completed in 12th .more interested. #experts #designers #fashion #career #apparel-and-fashion

abhinashi’s Avatar
abhinashi Apr 30, 2016 1080 views

my aim is to become a astronat?which subject i want to take?please guide for my study

I'm student from government highschool J B Nagar bangalore help me for my career #any #professional

Austin’s Avatar
Austin Mar 13, 2019 539 views

what equipment and skills are needed for the job

Adv. Forestry

Jaedin’s Avatar
Jaedin May 09, 2019 836 views

What programs could you join to become a youtuber?

I'd like to go to college and I know you don't need to go to college to become a youtuber but I just want to go for back up just in case it fails #youtube

Eduardo’s Avatar
Eduardo May 09, 2019 753 views

what career path is for me

I really care about people and know how to take care of people. #medicine

Brandie’s Avatar
Brandie Nov 30, 2018 888 views

how much training is involved

what is training like