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Sandy Salas’s Avatar

Sandy Salas

Project Manager / Sr Business Analyst
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Houston, Texas
2 Answers
2322 Reads
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Kass’s Avatar
Kass Jun 04, 2019 1399 views

What are the usual degree requirements of a Web Designer and Developer

I am starting school at a local community college this fall, and after long deliberation, have decided that I want to do web design/development, since I have taken both AP Art and AP Computer Science Principles, and they both ended up being two of my favorite classes, and have given me enough...

N’s Avatar
N Mar 26, 2018 1040 views

What major in the business field will be in most demand in the future?

I am an undecided business major right now and don't know which major to choose.