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Christina Kim’s Avatar

Christina Kim

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
San Jose, California
8 Answers
6317 Reads
1 Karma

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Haley’s Avatar
Haley Aug 31, 2018 1480 views

How to be a leader/manager when you're a shy introvert?

It seems like the only people who succeed are extroverts #career #careers

Lucas’s Avatar
Lucas Aug 29, 2018 710 views

Is it worth it to take out student loans?

I’ve been constantly going back and forth between shooting for a big name school (and taking on the loans that go with it)and going where I know I can get an education for basically free. I feel like expert opinions could really help as, especially with undergrad, it seems like it isn’t worth...

Willy’s Avatar
Willy Jun 17, 2019 632 views

Are you happy with your career choice?


Lilly’s Avatar
Lilly Jul 23, 2018 782 views

what can i do to help my local park

#help #helping-others

Willy’s Avatar
Willy Jun 17, 2019 603 views

Did you have any knowledge prior to?

#college #help

Michelle’s Avatar
Michelle Jun 01, 2019 1089 views

Is it hard being a business major; what schools have excellent business programs?

i.e: failures + possibly low salary #business

Threnesh’s Avatar
Threnesh Jun 15, 2019 991 views

what career is suited for me


larisa’s Avatar
larisa Jan 16, 2018 953 views

How soon can I start looking into applying for law school.

I am currently attending the university for my degree in accounting and then I want to continue into Law focusing in tax law and family/immigration law. What steps do I need to take to ensure I don't delay any apps and I don't want to have a big time gap after I receive my bachelor's....