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Monal Mahajan’s Avatar

Monal Mahajan

Technical Consulting Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
3 Answers
2887 Reads
1 Karma

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Dennis’s Avatar
Dennis Oct 12, 2018 1225 views

What classes will better prepare me for the emerging market of IT Security?

College courses or private course

#college #college-major #college-admissions #student #IT #Security #cyber #databreach #computer-engineering #writing

firstname’s Avatar
firstname Sep 09, 2019 544 views

What do I do?

I have experience in sales and some technical support. Also in food. I am also self-taught in messages and have considered getting licensed. I suppose I just have a lot of skills that I am unsure what to do with or where to direct. #career

MiKayla’s Avatar
MiKayla Sep 06, 2019 1276 views

What kind of networking should I do to be a computer network architect?

I am working on getting a career as a Computer Network Architect. I wanted to know who would be good to know so I can get a head start. #architect #computer #computernetworkarchitect #computernetwork #networking