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Kushal Parikh’s Avatar

Kushal Parikh

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Pune, Maharashtra, India
12 Answers
17548 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Anastasia’s Avatar
Anastasia Sep 06, 2019 651 views

Do you often spend time with your co-workers as a social worker or do you tend to work alone?

#social-work #social #social-worker

Alan’s Avatar
Alan Sep 05, 2019 712 views

What is the pay for the Automotive Career?

I am currently starting my vocation in Job Corps and I would know if the pay is worth for a good career. #financial-planning #auto-mechanic

Xavier’s Avatar
Xavier Sep 11, 2019 694 views

What was the most significant challenge that you faced in your career that taught you the most?

I'm an NPower student at the AM class at our Harelm Site. A young professional looking to go into the Cyber Security field. #it

Antonio’s Avatar
Antonio Sep 10, 2019 587 views

Is there anything else you think I need to know

Mechanical engineering and electrical engineering #mechanical-engineering #electrical-engineering

Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna Sep 10, 2019 568 views

Do you ever get angry customers?

#vet# #animals #degree

Sunghyun’s Avatar
Sunghyun Sep 10, 2019 658 views

How did you end up working for this company?

Currently attending NPower as a student, recently obtained my CompTIA ITF+ certification. Currently seeking for CompTIA A+.

Nicole’s Avatar
Nicole Sep 11, 2019 1124 views

How did you become interested in your current career path

Npower student at Harlem location learning basic IT Fundamentals. #technology #IT

Frank’s Avatar
Frank Sep 11, 2019 575 views

How do professionals deal with micro aggression in the workplace especially when coming from a superior?

Student studying IT
#IT #npower #student

stephanie’s Avatar
stephanie Sep 11, 2019 583 views

How do you negotiate salary, when you are qualified yet have no experience, and it is definite that the company is paying lower than average salary?

#NPower #Harlem class #female #Student.

Christian’s Avatar
Christian Sep 11, 2019 943 views

What was your original career plan and does it correlate now with the position you're in today?

NPower Harlem Student interested in IT for the music industry. #technology #IT

Deanicia’s Avatar
Deanicia Oct 28, 2016 11256 views

Should I talk about my failures when being interviewed for a job?

I read an article about how a recruiter who interviews students got an answer of "I expect failure" from one of the students. Then they went and wrote an article on how this answer was amazing. Should I do the same and state some failures like struggles in class or should I keep that to myself....

Rija’s Avatar
Rija Sep 11, 2019 1047 views

What does success look like in this industry or position and how is it measured?

#IT #cybersecurity