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Jennifer Schoenig’s Avatar

Jennifer Schoenig

#sourcing, #contracts, #vendor management, #change management, #communications, #workplace strategy
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Holmdel, New Jersey
4 Answers
3168 Reads
21 Karma

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Sumaiya’s Avatar
Sumaiya Sep 11, 2019 761 views

How do you manage and practice your emotional intelligence on a daily basis at work? How do you maintain a balanced work-life that leads to success at work and in personal life?

An young pioneer woman who is working hard everyday in order to succeed and accomplish all her goals. Also, learning the skills and certifications in order to prosper in Information Technology. #Success #technology #ambitious #Cybersecurity #Hardwork

Geovanny’s Avatar
Geovanny Sep 11, 2019 938 views

how did you handle failure(if any) at the start of your role. What was the impact of the failure, how did you overcome it mentally, and in the workplace?

I am a current undergraduate senior pursuing an accounting degree and enrolled in an IT workforce development program to enhance my computer skills. #computer #accounting

Amir’s Avatar
Amir Sep 11, 2019 708 views

What is your advice is you completed a training program, but have no specific experience in that field when applying for first job/internship?

My name is Amir. I am currently in the BMCC Continuing Education & Workforce Development undergoing the IT Support Training Program. #career #internship

Ramon’s Avatar
Ramon Sep 10, 2019 809 views

How did you determine what field in IT you want to be in? Do you think of changing?

I want to become a project manager. I am also interested in the cloud service. #management