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San Antonio, Texas
21 Questions
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danna Sep 25, 2019 797 views

Are too many or too few people entering the orthopedic surgery profession?

a high school student considering following the path of becoming an orthopedic surgeon. #surgery #doctor #medicine #orthopedic #surgery #premed

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danna Sep 25, 2019 1173 views

What is the advancement potential in the orthopedic surgery field? What is a typical path?

a high school student considering following the path of becoming an orthopedic surgeon. #surgery #doctor #medicine #orthopedic #surgery #premed

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danna Sep 25, 2019 928 views

What would be a reasonable salary range to expect as an orthopedic surgeon?

a high school student considering following the path of becoming an orthopedic surgeon. #surgery #doctor #medicine #orthopedic #surgery #premed

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danna Sep 25, 2019 1560 views

What does a typical work day of being an orthopedic surgeon look like?

a high school student considering following the path of becoming an orthopedic surgeon. #surgery #doctor #medicine #orthopedic #surgery #premed

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danna Sep 25, 2019 847 views

What are the negatives of becoming an orthopedic surgeon?

a high school student considering following the path of becoming an orthopedic surgeon. #surgery #doctor #medicine #orthopedic #surgery #premed

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danna Sep 25, 2019 782 views

What parts of orthopedic surgery are the most challenging?

a high school student considering following the path of becoming an orthopedic surgeon. #surgery #doctor #medicine #orthopedic #surgery #premed

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danna Sep 25, 2019 8671 views

How many hours a week do orthopedic surgeons work?

a high school student considering following the path of becoming an orthopedic surgeon. #surgery #doctor #medicine #orthopedic #surgery #premed

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danna Sep 24, 2019 924 views

how many hours a week do dermatologists work?

a high school student considering the option of becoming a dermatologist
#premed #doctor #medicine #dermatologists

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danna Sep 24, 2019 813 views

what parts of the dermatology profession are the most challenging?

a high school student considering the option of becoming a dermatologist
#premed #doctor #medicine #dermatologists

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danna Sep 24, 2019 917 views

are there any negatives to being a dermatologist?

a high school student considering the option of becoming a dermatologist
#premed #doctor #medicine #dermatologists

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danna Sep 24, 2019 750 views

what does it take to open a dermatology practice on your own?

a high school student considering the option of becoming a dermatologist
#premed #doctor #medicine #dermatologists

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danna Sep 24, 2019 852 views

what would be a reasonable salary range to expect as a dermatologist?

a high school student considering the option of becoming a dermatologist
#premed #doctor #medicine #dermatologists

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danna Sep 24, 2019 596 views

are there too many or too few people entering the dermatology profession?

a high school student considering the option of becoming a dermatologist
#premed #doctor #medicine #dermatologists

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danna Sep 24, 2019 653 views

what does a typical work day look like for dermatologists?

a high school student considering the option of becoming a dermatologist
#premed #doctor #medicine #dermatologists

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danna Sep 23, 2019 701 views

as a plastic surgeon, What would be a reasonable salary range to expect? What is the long-term potential

high school student looking into becoming a plastic surgeon #premed #doctor #medicine #surgeon #surgery