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Providence, Rhode Island
78 Questions
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Anina Apr 27, 2016 4779 views

What do you learn in college that is actually relevant to the business world?

Hi! My name is Anina and I'm a high school senior interning at CareerVillage. To be honest, I don't know much about business but my best friend is going to be a Business major, and he also seems a little confused on what a Business major would teach him, glossy pamphlets and the web catalogs...

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Anina Mar 27, 2016 1416 views

How to join biological research?

I'm going to be a college freshman next year, and I was wondering how I could go about joining a research team- particularly in Bioinformatics, my chosen major. Do I need to take certain classes? Can I just go up to a professor doing something awesome and ask them? #college #research...

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Anina Dec 02, 2015 6013 views

What's it like to work in a field that combines biology and computer science? (ie. biotech, medical data analysis)

I'm a high school senior, and I am going to major in computational biology or bioinformatics in college. I want to know what kind of job opportunities there are for someone going into that field, and what those jobs are like. #computer-science #biology #biotechnology #bioinformatics...