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William Wong’s Avatar

William Wong

Engineering Manager at Zynga
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Francisco, California
3 Answers
7621 Reads
1 Karma

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Nathalie’s Avatar
Nathalie Oct 09, 2015 4256 views

What is better? IT or CE?

So next year, I'll be going to Senior High and right now I want to know what technology field I'll get in order to get the right track. I want to know more about IT and CE and what is better and really highly recommended. #computer #technology #computer-engineering #information-technology

Jaymes’s Avatar
Jaymes Jun 05, 2015 1441 views

What do you have to like or be good at to be an engineer or to take engineer classes?

I am in 9th grade and I hear people talk about engineering a lot but I really dont know anything about it. I would like to learn more knowledge about this career and what you have to do. #engineer #data-engineer

Jewish’s Avatar
Jewish Jun 26, 2015 1976 views

how to be a good computer engineer

i want to know how to be a good computer engineer and i want to know what class should i take for high school #engineer #computer #game-design #gamer