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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
2522359 Reads
11180 Karma


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Mason’s Avatar
Mason Aug 26, 2018 526 views

How will I know what colleges I am able to get into based on my credentials?

3.67 GPA, orchestra, track, cross country #college

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Aug 26, 2018 681 views

What makes nursing such a satisfying job?

I know it takes a lot of work and effort to become a nurse, so what makes it worthwhile? Why do nurses love what they do? #nursing #jobs

Isabella’s Avatar
Isabella Aug 16, 2018 746 views

How can I decide what is the best Career path for me to pursue?

I'm a sophomore in High school, and my High School opens up many options for it's students to pursue possibilities in careers they may one day want to have. I am very passionate about writing, politics, and culinary arts. Is there a way for me to determine which is the best for me to pursue...

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Aug 23, 2018 833 views

What is it like having a Communications degree At the University of Texas at Austin?

#college #Universityoftexas #communications #degree

Annmarie’s Avatar
Annmarie Aug 23, 2018 641 views

would love to work in holistic health but do not want to get Dr. degree any advice

my university recommends I major in Psychology and minor in holistic health. I am just not sure how I will use this to get a good paying job?

Uniququa’s Avatar
Uniququa Aug 24, 2018 789 views

How do I get a job on campus?

Like a work -study or a job that understands my schedule but still gives me hours and good pay
#job #jobs

Shaheer’s Avatar
Shaheer Aug 24, 2018 2021 views

Is microsoft excel an important skill for an aerospace engineer

I am a freshman studying aerospace engineering and was just wondering what the relevance of this skill is in the real world and workplace.
#aerospace #engineer #engineering

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Aug 24, 2018 856 views

I want to do a lot in college! Is it possible to enroll myself intramural sports, major in biology/neurosciences, minor in Chinese literature/culture, be part of Greek life and also work/part-time job?

I'm super excited for college, but because of the major I want to pursue, I'm not sure if I'll have enough time to do everything! Is college life mainly studying? I've heard from multiple people that college is going to be the best time of your life, but they also say that high school does...

Cassie’s Avatar
Cassie Aug 24, 2018 862 views

Do you have any advice on finding a job as an editor after graduating college?

#jobs #job-search #entry-level

LaChelle’s Avatar
LaChelle Aug 24, 2018 525 views

How do you get colleges to acknowledge you when there is a drop during your junior , but a major change your senior year?

During my junior year it got tough and I started to fall behind , due to deaths in my family and I was wondering if that would make colleges look the other way. #college #howdoIgetnoticed

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Aug 23, 2018 747 views

I am a senior in highschool,and im trying to prepare myself for college. Can anyone give me some tips on how to be mentally prepared for colege?

#college #senior #UNT #UH

Liz’s Avatar
Liz Aug 23, 2018 673 views

I want to become an ELL/Dual Language elementary teacher. What all could I do with my Master's Degree in Spanish?

Spanish comes easily to me and I would like to incorporate it into my career, whether that be education or another field. #Spanish #education #ELL #future #career #foreignlanguages #elementary

Kai Doh’s Avatar
Kai Doh Aug 23, 2018 594 views

What kind of job can I apply for with a Music Technology degree?

#music #musictechnonlog #Job #career

Dan’s Avatar
Dan Aug 23, 2018 695 views

I want to get into med school; which major for an undergrad will look better on my application... Biochemistry or Neuroscience?


Marla’s Avatar
Marla Aug 23, 2018 712 views

How do I narrow down my options on what career path to follow?

I am a senior in #high-school and have a variety of preferences for education,coaching, and psychology . #career-choice All of my options make me want to take all #career-paths .