Jason Bowers
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Post college, what are some things that need to be considered when looking for jobs?
I want to know some good things to consider when looking and interviewing for jobs after college. #job #job-search #job-market #job-fairs

What is one thing you wish you knew before starting your career?
#career #careers #career-counseling #jobs #accounting #auditing #sales #marketing #business #math #science #career-choice #pediatric-nursing #nursing #registered-nurses #doctor #veterinary #teacher #teachers #teacher-training #higher-education #college #college-advice #education #educator...

What will make you stand out at a job interview?
Hey! I was just wondering what could make me stand out a little when I go to a job interview. Would it be something that I would say, something that I would do, or something else? Thank you! #business #medicine #teaching #law #technology #interviews #information-technology #customer-service

How do I decide what major I should pick?
I am a third culture kid who has lived all over the place. I really love people and working with children , especially kids who come from rougher situations. I was looking into going in as a #psychology major but then I wanted to study more of the medicine aspect. But then I realized I love...

What made you want to work in sales for a tech company over working in sales in other industries?
I've been told I'd be great at sales, but I'm not sure where to start looking for jobs. Why do you do sales for the company you work for? What should I look for in a company to work for right out of school? #technology #sales